Create a social project and accept cryptocurrency donations in Helperbit

Cryptocurrency donations are growing exponentially and it is expected that this payment method will become increasingly important for the entire charity sector. In Helperbit, non-profit organizations can learn more about this new tool and create innovative fundraising campaigns.


What is a fundraising project?

A project is an initiative started by a non-profit organization, a company or a public body with the aim of raising funds for the execution of one or more social activities.


How to create a fundraising project in Helperbit?

A project is created within the user profile: in the “my projects” page you can manage projects that you previously have created or open new ones. Only the 3 mentioned entities are authorized to do this operation.
These are the basic information required to create a new project: Title, Description, fundraising target (in Euros, Dollars or Bitcoins) and link the own Bitcoin wallet where raise funds. All textual materials can be optionally added in Italian, English and Spanish.
If the project is related to a natural disaster, it is possible to link the project with the specific calamity that has already happened. Alternatively, it is required to select one or more countries where the project will be developed.
Subsequently, it is required to detail the list of activities, such as a list of goals, products and services that will allow the realization of the project. It is advisable to upload a document (invoice or quote) for each activity as a proof of spent, as more detailed projects have a greater possibility to receive more donations. Finally, the user has the opportunity to upload multimedia material, providing further elements to donors to evaluate the work.


What are the main advantages?

There are still few social initiatives that accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies donations. This situation offers the opportunity to get more visibility compared to traditional fundraising channels, as well as focusing on a new target of donors.
Donations are peer-to-peer and the creators of projects can immediately use the raised funds.
Adding this payment method and working with cryptocurrencies allows non profit organizations to offer transparency of the economic flows and have reputational benefits.


Who can create a fundraising project?

Non-profit organizations, companies and public bodies can create projects. Projects are not immediately visible in the platform, but they need to be reviewed and approved by Helperbit team.


Read also: Make a Donation using Helperbit